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Portland Dental Teeth Veneers

Smiling young couple with dental veneers in Portland, OR.When considering how to make your smile more beautiful, we always suggest that you consider veneers. Veneers are dental cosmetics that allow us to alter your smile in any way you want. Tired of teeth that aren’t as white as they could be, but don’t want to keep using teeth whitening on them? Maybe you have a crooked tooth that has been bothering you? We can fix the issue with veneers!

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are typically made of thing strips of porcelain that we place over the front of your anterior (front) teeth. This kind of veneer is called an indirect veneer and is crafted for you by our dental laboratory. Porcelain is a strong material that can be made to very closely resemble the aesthetic of teeth.

Direct veneers are made of the same composite material that we use to place tooth colored fillings. This material is a mixture of glass, plastic, and a resin that we mix to match the exact color of your teeth. Once mixed it has the same consistency as clay or putty. We prepare your teeth to receive this material by gently scratching the surface of them to give them some surface area for the bonding material to gain purchase on the tooth. The composite material is then placed on your tooth and molded until it fits the aesthetic that we require. Once we have it looking exactly the way we want we will set it in place permanently using a special UV light.

How Can Teeth Veneers Fix Your Smile?

We can use veneers to change your smiler in just about any way you like. The following issues are just some of the ways we can alter your smile with veneers:
•  Straighten crooked teeth
•  Give teeth more space
•  Fill in gaps between teeth
•  Make teeth appear whiter
•  Hide chips and cracks
•  Alter the shape of teeth
•  Make teeth appear more uniform

The Dental Veneer Procedure

When you decide to have veneers placed we will discuss with you what kind of veneer will best suit you and your needs. If you decide on direct veneers, we can often accomplish the task in one visit. If you decide on porcelain veneers, then it usually takes two trips to our office to have them placed.

The procedure to have porcelain veneers placed starts with a discussion about what teeth you want changed. Some patients decide that they want all the visible teeth in their smile to have veneers placed on them. Some patients decide on just having a select few done. There is no right or wrong answer, just what makes you feel best about your smile.

The first visit to our office involve preparing the teeth to receive the veneers by shaving off some of the enamel on them. By shaving the enamel off of the front surface of the tooth we create enough room for the veneer to fit over the top of your tooth. When we finish preparing them to receive the veneers we will conclude the first appointment. The second appointment will consist of placing the veneers onto your teeth.

If you are around Portland and would like to schedule a no obligation consultation for teeth veneers, please give us a call at 503-334-1141 today!
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Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
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Veneers - Portland, OR • Dougherty Laybourn Menashe Dental
Do you have a crooked tooth that has been bothering you? At Dougherty Laybourn Menashe Dental, we can fix that issue with dental veneers! Learn more here.
Dougherty Laybourn Menashe Dental, 1809 NW Davis St, Portland, OR 97209-2121 ^ 503-334-1141 ^ ^ 2/7/2025 ^ Page Terms:dental veneers, dentist portland or